Thursday, February 2, 2012

Scene 3

Jack : (worried) Come on, it's over here... But beware ; you might be a bit surprised...
They get down to the cellar and find a half-burnt Rose Tyler.
Doctor : Oh my god! How can she be here? (points his sonic on her)
Jack : It's not her. It said there was a problem with the interface...
The creature switches appearences and looks now like Donna Noble.

Amy : (realizing who it is, approaching and looking in the eye) Oh my god! We nearly burnt them!
Jenny : You did this?!
River : The Doctor made us think it was him, he died and a Timelord must be burnt when dead...
Jenny : (to the Doctor) So you nearly killed them... On purpose?!
Doctor : Of course not! There must've been something wrong with the Teselecta... it shouldn't have been damaged...
The ship's appearence changes again, this time it looks like Rassilon.
Doctor : Who did it look like before I came?
Jack : We've got records, I'll show you.
They watch the records of the camera in fast forward : the ship changed from the 10 previous Doctors (in disorder), through Martha, Mickey, the Master to Rose Tyler.
Doctor : It's related with me... Those are all persons I know...
While he turns around, the ship turns into Wilfred Mott.
Amy : Who are all those people?
Doctor : Mostly me... And some former friends...
Rory : (with some disgust) Former...? Why former? What happened to them?
Doctor : Well... amnesia... love... parallel world...
Rory : Waht about the insane looking one?
Doctor : That was the Master... a Timelord... He's always been trying to fight me... He's now locked up in the Time war with the others of my species...
River : So... something with you... but what?
Jack : If only we knew...
Rory : But... (pointing to the Teselecta) They should know... shouldn't they?
Jenny : It said, only the Doctor would know. It said it had something to do with a question...
Doctor : (alarmed) What kind of a question?
Ship : (looking like the young Amelia) The oldest question. The question that is never to be answered, hidden in plain sight. The question of the Universe...

Doctor : (resigned, whispering) Doctor who...
Amy & Rory : What?
Jack : Doctor, what does it mean?
Doctor : Something bad... Something really devastating... A question so old, no one remembers the answer... (to the ship) But how could it affect you?
Ship : (looking like Craig Owens) We don't know... Only the Doctor knows...
Doctor : Don't you have any records of me related to that question?
Ship : We don't have any access to our records anymore... The only thing we know and the reason why we're here is that it has to be answered. We don't know by whom or when exactly... But it needs an answer... It's the only way to prevent what will happen...
Amy : Why? What will happen?
Doctor : I have to admit... I don't know... This is getting usual... I don't like the feeling...
Ship : (Canton Everett Delaware the 3rd) Something will happen that is going to change everything... We don't know if into good or bad... But it will change... You need to do something!
Rory: By "change everything" you mean the turn of things... or what?
Ship : Yes... People will never have been born, humans could ceise to exist... Anything could happen...
River : The Doctor could be cancelled, couldn't he?
Ship : It is certain that the Doctor would not exist in this new universe.
Jenny : So we need to stop it!
Amy : I think we all agree over that point...
Rory : But how?
River : First we need to find out why the ship takes the appearences of all these people...
Jack : Well... What do they have in common except their meeting the Doctor?
Amy : I guess this question is harder to answer than it might seem... But at least we have something to work with (the others look at her confused) Me. I was in it... We only need to know what my 7year-old self has in common with these people...
Doctor : Right! But I think it's not really going to help...
Teselecta turns into Dorium Moldova.
Ship : Doctor... Can't you figure it out? (Something breaks and explodes inside the ship) Sorry we lost control for a moment... What just happened?
Doctor : (stopping Amy from saying something) Nothing! There was just an explosion... (looking at Amy as if he wanted to say that they shouldn't talk about it) So! Everybody in the TARDIS! We've got some work to do!
Rory : (once out of reach of the Teselecta) Doctor, what's going on? Do we have a clue?
Doctor : Dorium himself told me what the question was... He spoke of the fall of the eleventh... I think I know the key, but I need to know something else first!
Jenny : Fall of the eleventh? What's that supposed to mean?
Jack : You should understand it... (to the Doctor) Shouldn't she?
Doctor : (looking distracted while opening the TARDIS-door) Not necessarily... Nobody told her... Regeneration is in the genes, but not the knowledge about it...
They go inside the TARDIS.

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